Sunday, May 04, 2008

Art Therapy Jobs in Williamsburg, VA

Colonial Services Board

1657 Merrimac Trail

Williamsburg,Va 23185

(757) 220-3200

MH THERAPIST. (Pos. 124). - Community Mental Health Program seeks Master’s level clinician for position in a secure juvenile facility. Provides assessment, crisis intervention, and staff consultation. Individual and group therapy, case management and interagency collaboration required. Successful candidate should have experience working with youth and their families with a wide variety of behavioral, emotional, and psychological needs in a mental health or correctional setting. Licensed and experienced with at least one year providing clinical services to adolescents is preferred. Experience working with individuals with SA issues a plus. Excellent fringe benefit package. Salary commensurate with experience.

THERAPIST (POS. 246) - Seeking individual for intensive in home program for youth. Responsibilities include individual and family assessments, counseling services; education and case management services in the youth’s home. Interface with various systems that work with youth such as schools, courts, and social services. Position requires creative solution ability, flexible schedules, on call assistance and crisis intervention.. Master’s Degree in Human Services is preferred and at least two years work experience in working with at-risk youth and their families. Excellent fringe benefit package. Salary commensurate with experience.

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